Men's 1st Team

Men's 1st Team
CaptainKyle Farquharson
Midlands Hockey Men's Division 5 Eastinfo
Home strip: Amber shirts, navy shorts and socks
Away strip: White shirts, navy shorts and white socks

Player profiles

  1. Small
    1 Evan Poole

    Preferred position: Goalkeeper

  2. Small
    3 Adam George

    Preferred position: Defender

  3. Small
    5 Robert Britton

    Preferred position: Forward

  4. Small
    12 Jacob Weston

    Preferred position: Midfielder

  5. Small
    14 Mark Fisher

    Preferred position: Unknown

  6. David Kellam
    David Kellam

    Preferred position: Midfielder

  7. Adam Easom
    Adam Easom

    Preferred position: Unknown

  8. Small
    Josh Greaves

    Preferred position: Unknown

  9. Joshua Harris
    Joshua Harris

    Preferred position: Unknown

  10. Dan Johnson
    Dan Johnson

    Preferred position: Defender

  11. Small
    Kyle Farquharson

    Preferred position: Forward

  12. Shandon Kellam
    Shandon Kellam

    Preferred position: Unknown

  13. Small
    James Marks

    Preferred position: Forward

  14. Ellis Butler
    Ellis Butler

    Preferred position: Defender

  15. Alex Timmis
    Alex Timmis

    Preferred position: Unknown

  16. Small
    Matt Brown

    Preferred position: Unknown

  17. Small
    Tom Young

    Preferred position: Midfielder

  18. Jon  Cornish
    Jon Cornish

    Preferred position: Unknown

  19. Ollie Young
    Ollie Young

    Preferred position: Unknown

  20. Ash Stretton
    Ash Stretton

    Preferred position: Midfielder

  21. Jacob Webb
    Jacob Webb

    Preferred position: Unknown

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